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About the Indiana Mathematics Teacher

NCTM Membership and Affiliate Relations Committee (MARC) reviewed and selected the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Indiana Mathematics Teacher journal for the 2021 Publication Award for outstanding journal. Recognition will take place at the Delegate Assembly in Atlanta, GA on April 23, 2021.

The Indiana Mathematics Teacher is the official journal of the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM).  It is published twice a year and is distributed by mail to all current members. Click here to read previous issues.

The journal provides ideas and information for mathematics teachers at all levels of the curriculum (PreK-16).  The editors invite submissions from new and experienced authors and accept articles on a range of topics including innovative classroom activities and lessons, practical applications of pedagogical research and theory, thoughtful reflections on challenges faced in the mathematics classroom, strategies and stories of mathematics coaching and teacher leadership, and any other topics that support the professional learning of ICTM members. We especially encourage collaborations between PreK-12 teachers and higher education faculty. 

Indiana residents whose feature articles appear in the Indiana Mathematics Teacher will be granted free membership to ICTM for one year.

Call for Manuscripts 

  • Feature Articles — The journal editors welcome submissions on a full range of topics in mathematics education.  Manuscripts should be no more than 3000 words in length.  Feature manuscripts are submitted to blind peer review before they are accepted into the journal.
  • Departments — The department editors welcome shorter submissions focused in specific areas. These might be in the form of interviews with classroom teachers.  Department manuscripts are submitted to panel review before they are accepted into the journal. Manuscripts should be no longer than 750-1200 words in length.  Longer manuscripts may be submitted as Feature Articles
  • Assessment Avenue — Assessment Avenue is a space for sharing suggestions and experiences related to assessment in mathematics education.  
  • Courageous Community Conversations — Courageous Community Conversations is a space for conversations that will challenge readers and help us all to grow in awareness of equitable strategies for mathematics teaching. We invite educational leaders in equity and social justice into discussions where we pose questions about equity, advocacy, and social justice that are relevant to Indiana's mathematics educators. ​
  • Coaching Corner — Coaching Corner is a place to share strategies and stories of mathematics coaching and teacher leadership.  
  • Problem Posers — Problem Posers is a place to share good problems or tasks for grades PreK-12 students.  Authors should indicate the grade level(s) for which the problems are intended and provide solutions to the problems. .  
  • STEM Stories — Stem Stories is an outlet for sharing experiences with the integration of mathematics with science, technology, and engineering in PreK-12 classrooms.
  • Problems of PracticeProblems of Practice provides an opportunity for teachers to share their thoughts about challenges faced in the mathematics classroom or about other issues of relevance to PreK-12 mathematics teachers.  
  • Technology Tips — Technology Tips is a forum for describing innovative uses of technology in teaching and learning mathematics in grades PreK-12.  

Deadline: Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis for both feature articles and department articles.

Manuscript Preparation

1. The manuscript should be prepared and submitted as a Microsoft Word file. Manuscripts for Feature Articles should be no more than 3000 words in length. Articles for Departments should be between  750-1200 words in length. Longer manuscripts related to topics in the Departments may be submitted as Feature Articles.

2. All manuscripts should be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font. Use double spacing for all material, including quoted matter, lists, tables, notes, references, and bibliographies. 

3. Figures, tables, and graphs should be embedded in the document. Please do not use footnotes. 

4. Provide accurate and complete bibliographical information. All references cited in the manuscript should be listed in a reference list at the end of the manuscript and use APA Style, 7th Edition (see http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

5. No author identification should appear in the manuscript. Do not reference your own work or your school in a way that compromises the blind review process. Use pseudonyms for students’ or colleagues’ names. All blinded references can be re-inserted should your work be accepted for publication. 

6. Put the title and name(s) of author(s), their email addresses, and an abstract (for feature articles) on a separate cover sheet. Abstracts should be limited to approximately 50 words. For the primary author or contact person, also include a work address and telephone number. 

Submission Guidelines

Submit the manuscript and title page/abstract in separate files by emailing Mark Creager at macreager@usi.edu and/or Andrew Gatza at amgatza@bsu.edu.

Editorial Panel

The Indiana Mathematics Teacher Editorial Panel consists of Editors and Department Editors. The Editors receive manuscripts from potential authors via email, make initial reviews, send manuscripts for feature articles to reviewers, send manuscripts for departments to Department Editors, edit manuscripts, and communicate with authors. They also manage the production, printing, and mailing of the journal.  The Department Editors recruit, review, and develop manuscripts appropriate for the journal’s departments. Current editorial panel members are:

  • Editor, Mark Creager (University of Southern Indiana)
  • Editor, Andrew Gatza (Ball State University)
  • Assessment Avenue Department Editor, John Somers (University of Indianapolis)
  • Coaching Corner Department Editor, Courtney Flessner (Central Indiana Education Service Center (CIESC) )
  • Courageous Conversations Department Editors, Department Editor Needed 
  • Problem Posers Department Editors, José Contreras (Ball State University) 
  • STEM Stories Department Editor, Hanan Alyami (Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne)
  • Problems of Practice Department Editor, Crystal Walcott (IUPUC)
  • Technology Tips Department Editors, Jenna Menke(Ball State University)
Call for Reviewers

All feature articles are peer reviewed and feedback will be shared with the author.  If you are interested in serving as a reviewer, contact Mark Creager at macreager@usi.edu and/or Andrew Gatza at amgatza@bsu.edu.

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