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Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Board of Directors


Christine Taylor - Bio

Indiana State University



Kimberly Williams

Arsenal Technical High School

Kimberly Williams

Arsenal Technical High School

Melisa McCain

Alison Breiding

Indiana State University


State Mathematics Contest

Rachael Kenney

Journal Editor
Mark Creager - Bio
University of Southern Indiana


Journal Editor

Andrew Gatza - Bio

Ball State University


NCTM Representative 

Kathy Jones - Bio

Indianapolis Public Schools



Conference Chair

Michael Roach - Bio
Indianapolis Public Schools

Communications Director

Social Media Director

Emily Bruning - Bio


 Elementary School Representatives



Kristie Nanney

Coesse Elementary School



Brittany Tinkler

Rosa Parks Elementary School


Wendy Wells - Bio

Evansville Vanderburgh School 



 Middle School Representatives





Jas'Minique Potter - Bio

Chapel Hill 7th & 8th Grade Center



Evan Rebar - Bio

Evansville Vanderburgh School


 High School Representatives



Ben Dillon - Bio

South Bend St. Joseph High School



Jackie Fischvogt - Bio

Indiana Digital Learning School



Heather Niehoff

Edgewood High School


Higher Education Representatives



Don Balka - Bio

Saint Mary's College



Ryan Flessner - Bio

Butler University



Crystal Walcott




 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching Coordinator

Sheridan Rayl -Bio


Indiana Department of Education

 Scholarship & Grants Coordinator

Angela Snyder - Bio



Board Bios and Description

 Name/Description  Face Shot

Weverton Ataide Pinheiro

Weverton Ataide Pinheiro is a Ph.D. Candidate in Mathematics Education and an Associate Instructor of Mathematics Education at Indiana University Bloomington and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Weverton teaches content and methods mathematics courses to students majoring in Elementary Education. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program at IU, Weverton taught K-16 mathematics in Brasília, Phoenix, and Taipei. He serves ICTM as Communications Director.


Don Balka

Don Balka is Professor Emeritus in the Mathematics Department at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN.  He is a Past President of ICTM, TODOS:  Mathematics for ALL, and School Science and Mathematics Association.  Don has served as a Director for NCTM and NCSM.  He has made over 2000 presentations worldwide and authored or co-authored over 50 books for mathematics teachers/leaders and students.


Bonnie Beach

Bonnie Beach is a Professor and Associate Dean of the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education at the University of Southern Indiana. She has over 50 years of experience as an educator including teaching mathematics, teaching education courses, and serving in administrative roles at both the P12 and higher education levels. Current professional activities include serving as South Higher Education Representative on the Board of Directors for the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM), Lead Site Visitor for accreditation reviews for the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), and member of the Committee on Meetings and Professional Development for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). Examples of past professional activities include serving in various roles on the Board of Directors of the Ohio Council of Teacher of Mathematics (OCTM), including serving as president. She was the 2010 recipient of OCTM’s prestigious Christofferson-Fawcett Award for lifetime contributions to the mathematics education community.


Kara Benson

Kara Benson is an elementary STEM Teacher, Instructional Coach, and 4th grade mathematics teacher at Boone Meadow Elementary in Zionsville Community Schools.  She has been teaching since 1994 in a variety of settings from Pre K, kindergarten and first grade classrooms to K-12 ENL, and as an elementary reading specialist and literacy coach.  Kara currently serves as the ICTM Elementary Central Representative and Chair of the Equity and Social Justice Committee. 


Gina Borgioli Yoder

Gina Borgioli Yoder is a former middle school mathematics and English as a New Language (ENL) teacher. She was also an Assistant Principal at a Spanish Immersion elementary school as well as an Educational Consultant at the Indiana Department of Education in the English Learner department. She is currently, and has been since 2005, a Clinical Associate Professor in the Urban Teacher Education program at the IUPUI School of Education. She currently serves as Registrar of ICTM as well as Treasurer of INTESOL (Indiana State Affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages).She is passionate about joining with others to collaborate and work towards humanizing the process of schooling for all involved.

Leigh Britt 

Leigh Britt is a Lecturer of mathematics for the Division of Science at Indiana University Purdue University Columbus (IUPUC). She has over 30 year experience teaching mathematics including P12 mathematics.  Her passion is teaching content courses for pre-service teachers with a focus on conceptual understanding.  She serves on the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM) Board as the chair of the ICTM State Math Contest.


Liz Brown

Liz Brown is Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Indiana State University. She currently serves ICTM as the Treasurer-Elect. She has previously served ICTM as the Southern College Representative and several years as the Coordinator of the State Mathematics Contest.

Emily Bruning

Emily is the STEM Specialist at the Indiana Department of Education. She also serves as the Communications Director for ICTM.

Robin Conti 

Mark Creager

Mark is an assistant professor in the Mathematical Sciences Department at the University of Southern Indiana. He currently teaches content and methods courses for elementary and secondary education majors and was a former high school teacher in Indiana. He serves ICTM as the co-editor of journal ICTM produces, Indiana Mathematics Teacher.


Ben Dillon

Ben has taught mathematics and computer science for thirty years at South Bend Saint Joseph High School.  He has served as department chair of mathematics for most of those years.


Julie Evans

Julie Evans is a high school math teacher from Bloomfield, Indiana.  She has taught for 18 years and currently teaches AP Calculus AB, Finite, College Algebra and Trigonometry, and is the lead teacher in Bloomfield’s makerspace.  She is the South High School Representative for ICTM and also serves as an educational consultant at the Southern Indiana Education Service Center in Jasper.


Jackie Fischvogt 

Jackie currently teaches geometry at Indiana Digital Learning School. She serves as the ICTM high school central region representative.


Ryan Flessner

Ryan Flessner is a Professor of Teacher Education at Butler University. He teaches math methods courses for elementary and secondary education majors. Ryan serves as ICTM’s Higher Education Representative for Central Indiana.


John Riley

John Riley is an 8th grade Geometry and Pre-Algebra Teacher at Eastwood middle school in Washington Township.  John has been teaching High School and Middle school math for over twenty years.  He is a professional math education consultant/trainer/coach through Riley mathematics Education LLC.  (www.rileymath.com). John has most recently served as ICTM Conference Chair.


Andrew Gatza

Andrew is an assistant professor in the Mathematical Sciences Department at Ball State University. He currently teaches content and methods courses for elementary and secondary education majors and was a former middle school teacher in Indiana. He serves ICTM as the co-editor of the academic journal ICTM publishes, Indiana Mathematics Teacher.


Jennifer Jensen

Jennifer Jensen currently works as an Academics Director at TNTP. She has 25 years experience as a high school math teacher and administrator. Her passion is creating equitable experiences for all students, particularly in their math classes, by supporting and empowering teachers. She serves on the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board as the Treasurer.


Jean Lee

Jean Lee is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Indianapolis. She currently teaches undergraduate and graduate mathematics education and curriculum courses. She also continues to work in urban and rural classrooms to support K-12 preservice teachers. Dr. Lee has been involved in leading various professional development projects working with teachers at the state and international levels. She is currently the Past-President for Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Get the Facts Out Task Force Chair for Association of Mathematics Teachers Educators.


Carla Milliman

Carla is the North Elementary School ICTM Representative. She has taught Kindergarten for 33 years in Warsaw, Indiana. She has also taught the Elementary Math Methods course at Grace college for the past 7 years.


Jas’Minique Potter

Jas’Minique serves as the ICTM middle school central region representative. She currently works at Chapel Hill 7th & 8th Grade Center in MSD of Wayne Township.


Sheridan Rayl 

Sheridan is the current coordinator for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, PAEMST, a National Science Foundation administered award.  Sheridan has served in several ICTM roles over the years including president of the board of directors.


Evan Rebar

Evan is the South Middle School representative.  He is a middle school math teacher from Evansville, Indiana.  Evan has been teaching for 7 years.


Michael Roach

Michael Roach is a district mathematics coach for Indianapolis Public Schools.  He has worked as a high school mathematics teacher, a mathematics consultant specialist at the Indiana Department of Education, and an associate instructor for pre-service mathematics teachers at Indiana University.  He is currently the President of the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics.


Angela Snyder  

Angela is the mathematics department chair at Creekside Middle School.  She has been in education for over 30 years with experience as a secondary teacher and administrator. Over the years Angela has served in several ICTM board positions and is currently an ICTM Committee Chair. Angela is passionate about supporting Indiana teachers and especially advocates for teachers in smaller school environments.


Christine Taylor

Christine Taylor is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Indiana State University. She is interested in how pre-service teachers learn mathematics and how to design and implement sustainable professional development. Dr. Taylor serves as the President of ICTM.


Wendy Wells

Wendy, the South Elementary Representative, serves as the Director of Curriculum for Evansville Vanderburgh County School Corporation in Evansville, IN.


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