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  • Vendor Registration 2013 ICTM Conference

Vendor Registration 2013 ICTM Conference

  • October 20, 2013
  • October 21, 2013
  • Indianapolis, IN


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Available to each vending/exhibiting company.

    Conference registration name tag.
    A two day free parking pass. (if lost, you must pay the regular parking fee to the hotel).
    Free Continental Breakfast Monday morning located on the lower level.
    Two free lunch tickets for the Monday luncheon.
    Scott will be present Saturday evening at the Sheraton to answer any questions you may have. You may contact him ahead of time at sstaley@ccs.k12.in.us .

Registration is closed

2013 Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference

To: Vendors and Exhibitors

What: Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference

When: Sunday afternoon, October 20th and Monday, October 21st , 2013

Where: Sheraton Hotel, City Centre – Indianapolis

31 West Ohio Street

Indianapolis, IN 46204


From: Scott Staley, ICTM Online Vendor/Exhibitor Contact Person sstaley@ccs.k12.in.us


  • Monday lunch sponsorship: $2,000 (We will provide you a booth and an ad in the program at no cost in appreciation of your sponsorship.)
  • Sunday snack sponsorship: $1,000 (We will provide you a booth and an ad in the program at no cost in appreciation of your sponsorship.)
  • Monday Continental breakfast sponsorship: $1,000 (We will provide you a booth and an ad in the program at no cost in appreciation of your sponsorship.)
  • Vendor booths: $250 per table on or before October 1; $300 each after October 1
  • Program ads: $75 for 1/2 page, and $125 for full page.
  • Donation of items for door prizes is appreciated. You will receive acknowledgement for them during the Monday luncheon.

Important Vendor Information

  • The Conference times: Sunday, October 20 ( 11am to 1pm registration & exhibit time; presentations start at 1PM and finishes 6PM EST) and Monday, October 21 (7:30AM registration & exhibit time; 8:45AM to 4PM EST presentations).
  • Display Area located on the Lower Level of the hotel, accessible by elevator and escalators.
  • Set-up time: Sunday morning, beginning at 9AM.
  • Security: ICTM will provide security from 6pm Sunday until 7am Monday morning for exhibitors and vendors.
  • Specific needs such as electrical, etc. will be addressed by Ms. Julie Helmkamp, Convention Services Manager for Sheraton Hotel (317-236-2515).
  • If you have materials to be sent before you arrive, you may contact Ms. Helmkamp directly.
  • You are entitled to conference rate for hotel room reservations. When registering please ask for the Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference room rate.
  • There are restaurants in and near the hotel area.
  • A hospitality room will be available to vendors and exhibitors.

Available to each vending/exhibiting company.

  1. Conference registration name tag.
  2. A two day free parking pass. (if lost, you must pay the regular parking fee to the hotel).
  3. Free Continental Breakfast Monday morning located on the lower level.
  4. Two free lunch tickets for the Monday luncheon.

Scott will be present Saturday evening at the Sheraton to answer any questions you may have. You may contact him ahead of time at sstaley@ccs.k12.in.us .

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